Wednesday, April 15, 2009

History of the Modern Tax Day Tea Party Protests

I have been following the protests since the inception. From the Pulled Pork Protest in Seattle started by a Malkin Blog reader to the Pork Rinds for Schummer to the "We Surround Them"/912 Project on to the actual Tea Party idea at Michelle Malkin's blog - it has been a heady, emotional ride.

Has the MSM been able to get any of this history right? Feh! Not at all. The protests have been called Right-wing wackos, disgruntled-sore-losers, astro-turfers, and worse. One MSNBC writer can't make up his minds if protesters are controlled by the RNC ("these parties have been co-opted by a major America political party")or apart from the leaders ("One can sense a hesitance from the establishment wing of the GOP about getting too involved in this movement"). (It's neither - the protests are non-partisan.)

Michelle Malkin lays it all out in her inimitable best for us today.

May Hashem be with all the honorable protesters today in the United States.

God Bless America.

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