Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Gun Control, Media Bias and Reality

John Lott at FoxNews has an analysis of the hit job/crap "report" that Diane Sawyer did on 20/20. His final analysis:

ABC never mentions a simple fact: all multiple victim public shootings with more than 3 people killed have occurred where permitted concealed handguns are prohibited. Rather than studying what actually happens during these shootings, ABC conjured up rigged experiments aimed at convincing Americans that guns are ineffective. Unfortunately, ABC’s advice, rather than making victims safe, makes things safer for attackers.

Good job, John.

There is a bill in CA up for vote that would allow out of state folks with a CWP from another jurisdiction to carry in CA and I strongly urge people to press their Representatives to vote "YES". The bill is AB-1167 and and would provide for reciprocity for out of state CCWP holders. This bill would add the following to the CA penal code:
SECTION 1. Section 12058 is added to the Penal Code, to read:
(a) Persons holding a valid permit or license to carry a concealed handgun from any state or a political subdivision of a state shall be deemed a licensee under subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 12050.
(b) The Department of Justice shall enter into reciprocity agreements with all other states that have the legal authority to enter into those agreements so that licensees under Section 12050 may carry firearms in those states pursuant to the conditions imposed by Section 12050. The department shall each month maintain and publish a list of those states with which this state has established reciprocity.

AB357 ease the CCWP process for CA citizen by making California a shall issue ccw state. This would allow more law-abiding citizens to carry a concealed weapon. I also strongly support this measure.

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

History of the Modern Tax Day Tea Party Protests

I have been following the protests since the inception. From the Pulled Pork Protest in Seattle started by a Malkin Blog reader to the Pork Rinds for Schummer to the "We Surround Them"/912 Project on to the actual Tea Party idea at Michelle Malkin's blog - it has been a heady, emotional ride.

Has the MSM been able to get any of this history right? Feh! Not at all. The protests have been called Right-wing wackos, disgruntled-sore-losers, astro-turfers, and worse. One MSNBC writer can't make up his minds if protesters are controlled by the RNC ("these parties have been co-opted by a major America political party")or apart from the leaders ("One can sense a hesitance from the establishment wing of the GOP about getting too involved in this movement"). (It's neither - the protests are non-partisan.)

Michelle Malkin lays it all out in her inimitable best for us today.

May Hashem be with all the honorable protesters today in the United States.

God Bless America.

The Third Jihad - a video by an American Muslim

Here is the link for a video by an American Muslim about the goals of Jihadist Muslims. It is fully engrossing as well as factual in its explanation of the steps Jihadists have taken and are taking in the USA to implement sharia law.

The author is careful to point out that these folks have been working on this for decades; no one party is to blame.

Click Here to view the video:
The Thrid Jihad

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

One World Government™ Coming Soon....

Pam Geller also reported on links to al Qaida to Tim McVeigh based on Jayna Davis’ reporting in OKC right after the blasts. (Okay, so it was 18 minutes after…)

And this was reported, first by Pam, then confirmed by Michelle Malkin:
Confirmed: The Obama DHS hit job on conservatives is real

Good. Now we can get back to the task at hand of overthrowing the Usurper-in-Chief and his Evil Minions ™.
/sarc off

For all the Jews here, the next meeting of the Take-Back-the-World Committee is at Dave’s Basement on Wednesday after the “useless” Tea Parties (great quote from Rachel Maddow). Discussions will include:

“Controlling the Bank Bailout and How to get Your Piece of the Pie”,

“Rahm: Control Freak or, uh, Control Freak?”

“Putting Intelligent Words in the Mouths of the Media (LOL)” and

“Gun Control for Thee, but Not for ME”.

9pm. Sharp. None of that JST crap this week. A girl needs her beauty sleep. (First quip on old people syndrome and you are OUT! Unless you're talkin' 'bout ole Nazi Pelousy...then you get EXTRA cookies...)

Bring your own yamulka and kosher wine. And pick up after yourself. I am NOT your mother.

/humor off (for the morons among us)

Of course, Pam reported today that the government is backing off. Hummmm, maybe those Tea Parties won't be sucha big waste-o'time, eh, Rachel?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Gotta Luv those PLO, er PA folks....

Palestinians decry Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit
April 12, 2009

TORONTO (JTA) -- Palestinian officials called on Canada to cancel a planned exhibit of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The officials say the exhibit would violate international law.

In a letter to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and directors of the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Hamdan Taha, director general of the archaeological department in the Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, alleges the scrolls were acquired illegally by Israel when the Jewish state annexed East Jerusalem in 1967.

The Palestinians claim the six-month exhibit slated to begin in June violates at least four international conventions or protocols on the treatment of cultural goods that were "illegally" obtained, the Toronto Star reported Friday.

"The exhibition would entail exhibiting or displaying artifacts removed from the Palestinian territories" by Israel, Taha wrote.

Pnina Shor, head of the artifacts treatment and conservation department at the Israel Antiquities Authority, which is organizing the exhibit jointly with the museum, told the Star the complaint was unfounded.

"We are the custodians of the Dead Sea Scrolls," Shor said. "As such, we have a right to exhibit them and to conserve them."

William Thorsell, the museum's CEO, said he is "quite certain the scrolls fall within the parameters of the law."

A spokesperson for Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon declined to comment.