Next on our OMG list, FINALLY Obama begins coming clean on his "Muslim Roots". Too late for the morons in this country who VOTED THE ASSHOLE INTO THE WHITE HOUSE. AAARRRUUUGGGG! (Just think, Hillary could've been POTUS. Yup, works like ipeicac for me, too. Yeah, yeah - someone DID piss in my cornflakes this morning. Ate 'em anyway, thank you very much.)
Then, our president doesn't know about certain DOD Government Agency. He learns about it at a BURGER JOINT. Just gives me more confidence in the guy - he can really pick his advisors, eh? Here's the agency description:
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is a Department of Defense combat support agency and a member of the national Intelligence Community (IC). NGA develops imagery and map-based intelligence solutions for U.S. national defense, homeland security and safety of navigation.
NGA provides timely, relevant and accurate geospatial intelligence in support of national security objectives. The term "geospatial intelligence" means the exploitation and analysis of imagery and geospatial information to describe, assess and visually depict physical features and geographically referenced activities on the Earth. Geospatial intelligence consists of imagery, imagery intelligence and geospatial (e.g., mapping, charting and geodesy) information.
To top that, Obama thinks the United States is "one of the largest Muslim countries in the world". Umm-humm, 0.6% Muslim and it is one of the largest. Indonesia: 200 million Muslims. India: 156 million Muslims. Pakistan: 150 million Muslims. United States: 2.3 million Muslims (according to the Pew Research Center).
Nice to know we beat out the other 57 Muslim's the Saudi king gonna take the news, I wonder? Guess we should get ready for that freaking TAX, too.
Nice to know we beat out the other 57 Muslim's the Saudi king gonna take the news, I wonder? Guess we should get ready for that freaking TAX, too.
Then there were the two shootings: Tiller the Baby Killer in Kansas and an Arkansas Army Recruiter. Obama gets all weepy and indignant about Tiller being murdered by a Christian Extremist. Can't just say - nut job murderer, gotta insult the religion of 90+% of the country. Not a peep - even condolances to the family - the 20-something young man who just finished bootcamp and was gunned down by a Jihadi Convert newly trained in Yemen. Sends shivers down my spine for the military folks. Great behavior for their CinC. *sigh*
Lastly - airplanes are the targets again.
The airliner that disappeared may have been downed by Jihadis. From the comments section of lgf2:
Two grim possibilities come to mind regarding the crash….
1) Some kind of sudden structural failure crippled the jet at high altitude, leading to an immediate, explosive decompression and a rapid disintegration of the airframe. While rare, this kind of freak accident has happened before, more than once.
2) Terrorists on the flight itself detonated a bomb that brought the plane down.
Le Monde has reported that up to five middle-eastern passengers (three Morocca and two Lebanese) were on board. (Note from P: Was actually Thaindian that listed the passenger nationality list and it was two Morrocans, one Turk and five Lebanese - but, as we know, Muslims come in ALL nationalities. Among the dead: A 25-year-old descendant of Brazil's long-defunct royal family was also on the passenger manifest.)
It may well be that severe weather or some type of freak structural failure brought that plane down, killing everyone.
Or, maybe it was . . . something else
And someone is shooting at airplanes in Texas:
A Continental Express pilot reported seeing a "missile or rocket" flying near his aircraft over Friday night over Texas, the Houston Chronicle reported.
The pilot told the Federal Aviation Administration an object was spotted within 150 feet below his airplane around 8:15 p.m. Friday night over Liberty County, Texas, the newspaper reported.
Lord, my head hurts. That's what I get for not doing my yoga the past 10 weeks.
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