Thursday, August 6, 2009

AARP Asshats

See the posts at and on AARP shilling for ObamaDeathCare.

We get the AARP magazine. I read a couple and realized it was a waste of time, I could read HuffPo or NYT and see the same barf. So, I just wrote to AARP at this address:

Please remove me from your mauling list. I just turned 50 and, because your organization’s political views are so far to the left and support the ObamaDeathCare proposal (which I READ), I want nothing to do with your disseminated disinformation.

My husband, Dr. Happy, who also resides at this address would like to have his name removed as well. He is a physician who, in 1985, saw the demise of true “health care” coming through the vehicle of “HMO”s.

This ObamaDeathCare lead up to single-payer “health” care will be as disastrous - if not more so - than those in Canada or UK.

It will cause thousands of doctors to LEAVE medicine (as he did),

cause more suffering for patients (why do you think the wealthy come to the USA for treatments and Ted Kennedy didn’t go to hospitals in his HOME STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS?)

and cause people to LOSE CHOICES (in UK, thyroid patients are being told they only have 2 options and, if they choose dessicated thyroid meds, they will not be eligible for further treatment through the NHS.)

Stop pushing the Euthanasia For Seniors and Other Useless Eaters Bill and go back to doing something useful - getting seniors discounts for “stuff”.

A Grandma, but not-quite a Senior

Probably will still get their crap just like the Scientology drones, but - heh! - I tried to save a tree...LOL

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