Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Gonna Kick this Nasty, Nasty Cold...

"Never let a serious crisis go to waste. What I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things you couldn't do before." ~ White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel

OTC meds, lemon tea and soup be darned, I'm going to see the accupuncturist today. I am SO impatient to be well again. But, did that encourage me to follow Dr. Happy's advice and stay prone as much possible. N-O-O-O-O-O! I thought working in the garden would make me feel better. Like compounding grass allergies and Nasty Cold was a good idea. You know, the homeopathic thing - like-cures-like? Yeah, don't try that at home...

Off-topic: George has some interesting background on the the transmission, mode of death and treatment protocols (better said, lack there-of) for the Flying Pig Flu. Most of the data he has relates to the Avian flu from a couple years ago, but, since this one is a COMBO TREAT of swine and avian flu viruses, some of it will be applicable. I like the new moniker he posted - goes with the HHS reaction - "You-the-people will get all of the above either when you're all dead or when pigs fly, which ever comes first." I know which I'm betting on.)

And, great news - Arlen Specter is now a Democrat. Leaves only one Jewish Republican on Capitol Hill. Um, yeah, like Arlen has voted with Republicans since, like, in FOREVER. *another one bites the dust*

Oh, and lest you think that I've ignored The One's 100 Day Anniversary (how immature is THAT? I mean the 100 Day Anniversary, you know, like the teens who celebrate their "First Week Together"...),
Michelle Malkin has a screed,
here's a rememberance of the Rahm-it-Down-America's-Throat-Self-Stimulus package at the Wall Street Journal
and Mere Rhetoric's Posting of a Few Obama Gaffes missing from CNN's round-up.

Please don't think of the above as a slight Pam Geller, who collected these tidbits for your Right Wing Extremist (TM) amusement

or Debbie Schlussel, who announces FOX's running of the Obama Slobber-100-Day-"I-Won-Bow-down-and-worship-Me"-Slobber-Fest - ROTFLMAO!

On a serious note, what IS up with Iowa and their Gay-Marriage-Issue? The Iowa Legislature reaffirmed traditional marriage in a 1998 statute, so what's the Iowa Judiciary got up their butts? (Eh, don't go there, Peanuts...)

Lastly, as gift His Loyal Followers, Obama will attempt to change the Sentence Guidelines for Crack Cocaine Possession. Gotta keep the Obamanation people *able* to vote for His Obamaness in 2012 without their ability to consider the seriousness of their actions...Here is a little taste of FOX's analysis -'cause "statistics showing 82 percent of federal crack cocaine convicts were black, while nine percent were white...Attorney General Lanny Breuer argued, prosecutors' views of crack cocaine has evolved to a more "refined understanding" of crack and powdered cocaine usage."
Yup - just as with marijuana and alcohol, this will keep the court busy with DimCap and Insanity pleas for a long time.

*oy - where are my nose tissues?*


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