Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kim Jong Il

Somewhere in Vegas:

BHO: yo, Bobby, my man, what do you think we should do about Kimmie’s little fireworks display?

GenRG: We should drop some bunker busters on the fruitcake and simultaniously bomb his nuclear facilities.

BHO: Oh, Bob, you are such a card. Let me phone him on the Axis of Evil ™ Red Phone. Hummm, where did I put my Little Red Book? Ah, here it is.
(dials phone)

KJI: What you want? I busy posting pics on my new blog. Want Mahmood to see how good his stuff worked for me.

BHO: Kim, you need to take a little break. Japan and South Korea are a l-e-e-e-t-t-l-e nervous with your War Games.

KJI: So? It is a free country…You got any old ordinance I can take off your hands?

BHO: No, we are destroying our ordinance. Say, why don’t you join me on Wednesday for a few rounds of golf? Shelli will have some of that wagyu beef you so enjoy and we can pop the cork on one of those new bottles of vino that Auuhnoold dropped off last week.

KJI: No way, Jose. Last time I was there Rahm brought in Arby’s and tried to pass it off as wagyu. That make me really mad. Say want to see something BIG fun? Pull up Google Earth and zoom to The Golden Gate Bridge.

BHO: I don’t have time for that now, I’m in the middle of a fund raiser for Harry.


BHO: Oh no, you DIDN’T! You little rat…

KJI: You call me little rat, eh? INCOMING TO Fancy Nancy!!!

BHO: (chucking to self) Now, Kim, don’t do me any favors? (pulls out Blackberry and fiddles with it….)

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